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Truică, şomer la gradul II în școala din Bistriţa, a fost anunţat de DNA de către poliţişti că vorbeşte într-un dosar penal.
În cazul lui Remus Truică, procurorii aveau suspiciunea că acesta ar fi obținut bani pentru lucrarea unor autodidacţi și ar fi făcut aceste lucruri după ce ar fi ajutat-o fiică-sa să obțină o pensie de şomaj.
Dosarul trimis la Parchetul General este al unuia dintre cei mai vechi şi mai bogate iubitori de trupe de la Parchetul General. El se referă la fostul său şofer înscăun
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Meanwhile, Riga was preparing for a military campaign on the Ukrainian soil. At 13:30 CEST on April 4, the Russian military started advancing from their positions near the Latvian-Ukrainian border. At 16:00 the Russian troops were deployed in the Kovaliovo neighborhood of Jelgava. In the following days both sides started firing heavily.
On April 5, the Joint Forces Operation Command in Riga announced the start of a counterstrike against the Russian occupation forces in Latvia. They stated that the Russian military violated the ceasefire agreement in at least three areas. The Russian occupation forces also started to carry out new ceasefire violations in the border area of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia and on the territory of Latvia. During the night on the same day, a Russian rocket launcher was reportedly spotted on the border with Lithuania.
On April 6, the Counterinformation Analysis Center initiated to publish a list of Russian media sources that have been spreading false information about the country. The report was based on various media and social networking sites.
On April 7, the Joint Forces Operation Command confirmed that Russian forces would advance deeper into the country. They also stated that they “opposed the violation of the
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