The Virtual Commander application was designed to be a file manager for Windows, similar to the Norton Commander and Windows Explorer.
It has two fixed windows like a well-known file managers for DOS, but every window can have folder-tree like a Explorer. It windows can explore real and virtual folders (as My Computer, Printers, Control Panel etc.).
Here are some key features of “Virtual Commander”:
■ Basic file operations such as: copy, move, rename, delete, copy with change name, create shortcuts etc.
■ Support of long filenames and virtual folders
■ Built-in viewer for archives: ARC, ARJ, LHA, TAR, RAR, CAB, gZIP, ZIP, TAR, UUE, ZOO
■ External archivers support
■ Built-in viewer for graphic formats: BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, EMF, ICO
■ Built-in viewer for text and HEX-editor/viewer
■ Built-in editors with syntax highlighting
■ Built-in player with support MP3, Wav, Avi, Mod, Mid, Mpg, s3m, xm and other
■ Color schemes and files color highlighting
■ Built-in HTML- viewer
■ Many utilities
■ ActiveX plugins support
■ Multilanguage support (Russian, English)
■ 30 days trial

Virtual Commander Crack+ Keygen [Updated]
Virtual Commander Cracked Version is a program which enables you to open and save your files from a list of fixed folders. For example you have a folder “My Documents” and another folder “My Documents_Online” which contains documents saved in your online account. You can open “My Documents” and open all your files there. Or you can open “My Documents_Online” and open all your files saved in your online account.
The application has two modes, normal and tree-mode. You can switch between them by clicking on the button.
Virtual Commander User Interface:
The interface of the program is based on 3-window design. On the left is your “Inbox”. In this window there are 2 buttons. “Open” button opens a folder from your current location (the current location is the place where your files are located), and the “Close” button closes the current window and returns to the last folder. Another button shows you all folders from the current folder, when you click on it, you go to the “Next Folder” window where you can open, close or copy files to or from current folder. On the right of the “Inbox” window is your “Trash” window. This window contains 2 buttons, “Open” and “Close”. When you click on “Open” button, you go to the “Rescue folder” where you can recover any files that could not be recovered during installation, also a button “Restore” enables you to restore the original folder. Clicking on the “Close” button returns you to the “Inbox” window. The middle window of the interface is your “Tree” window. The window contains the root folder “Root of Virtual Commander”, from where you can browse the whole tree of folders. This is your tree-mode.
In the “Tree” window you can navigate through the folders and open or close the windows by using the keyboard arrows. For example, when you press “Down” arrow you go down one folder, and “Up” arrow returns you to the previous folder. When you press the Enter key on the “Tree” window, you will go to the “Next Folder” window. To save your work press “Ctrl+S”, and to close the “Tree” window press “Ctrl+Q”.
The application has only one language, so you can’t change it.
“Virtual Commander Tutorial”:
The program has the helpfile, but you don’t need to read
Virtual Commander Download
Enable/Disable/Un-Enable KeyMacro.
– 5 digit password
– With change button allow to change password
– Clear button to clear keymacro status
– Remove button to remove keymacro
– Reset button to reset status to “Normal”
– Enable/Disable/Un-Enable KeyMacro.
– With change button allow to change password
– Clear button to clear keymacro status
– Remove button to remove keymacro
– Reset button to reset status to “Normal”
– 30 days trial
How to use this plugin:
With MagicDrMouse script
– Visit the following link to download MagicDrMouse
– Unzip the file and save it to “AppData\Roaming\TheCommander.Download\Plugins” folder
– Start Virtual Commander Crack Keygen
– 30 days trial
– Without Web search
How to use with MagicDrMouse script:
– Add an icon with “MagicDrMouse” script to your taskbar
You can download MagicDrMouse script at the following link:
– Drag an icon with “MagicDrMouse” script to your taskbar
How to use without MagicDrMouse script:
– Drag an icon with “MagicDrMouse” script to your taskbar
How to use this plugin:
With MagicDrMouse script
– Visit the following link to download MagicDrMouse
– Unzip the file and save it to “AppData\Roaming\TheCommander.Download\Plugins” folder
– Start Virtual Commander Full Crack
– With MagicDrMouse script, click on “MagicDrMouse” script in taskbar to start Virtual Commander
– Without MagicDrMouse script, click on “MagicDrMouse” script in taskbar to start Virtual Commander
How to use this plugin:
With MagicDrMouse script
– Visit the following link to download MagicDrMouse
– Unzip the file and save it to “AppData\Roaming\TheCommander.Download\Plugins” folder
– Start Virtual Commander
– With MagicDrMouse
Virtual Commander PC/Windows (Updated 2022)
Virtual Commander has no windows, instead it consists of 5 tabs. Each of them has a small built-in window. In general, they are similar to the windows of a well-known file manager (Norton Commander). The tabs are:
■ Virtual Directory
■ General
■ Unspecified
■ Date/Time
■ Memory Map
In every tab of Virtual Commander are folders, files and folders-tree (as “My Computer”, “Control Panel”, “Programs” etc.).
If a folder has no root directory, then the folder will be displayed at the main window as the root directory.
Every folder and every file has the text information which we are using in our browser. You can find this information by Right-clicking the file or folder.
The files and folders can have long names (for example D:\Disk_1.iso or D:\Disk_1.iso_disk0.img.img).
Virtual Commander also can explore virtual folders. A virtual folder is a folder which has the same name in your real folders but contains the contents of another folder. For example you can have a virtual folder “Programs” inside your “Control Panel” folder.
If you open “Programs” folder, then Virtual Commander will open the contents of “Programs” folder.
Virtual Commander has built-in archivers (7-zip, ARJ, LHA, TAR, RAR, CAB, gZIP, ZIP, TAR, UUE, ZOO).
Each archiver has its own file properties dialog. There are separate dialogs for displaying properties of archive members (a compressed file or a directory) and for displaying properties of archive container.
You can find the list of applications that use “Virtual Commander” by Right-clicking the icon of Virtual Commander and selecting the “About” menu item.
Virtual Commander has built-in viewer for:
■ Arhive formats: ARC, ARJ, LHA, TAR, RAR, CAB, gZIP, ZIP, TAR, UUE, ZOO
■ Graphic formats: BMP, JPEG, GIF, WMF, EMF, ICO
■ HTML format
■ Text and HEX-editor/viewer
You can find the list of applications that use Virtual Commander by Right-clicking the icon of Virtual Commander and selecting the “About”
What’s New in the?
Virtual Commander is a powerful and easy to use virtual file manager for Windows, based on the NTShell and Microsoft ActiveX components. Virtual Commander can access, copy, move, rename, delete, create shortcuts, extract archives and a lot of other basic file operations. Virtual Commander can also explore real and virtual folders (as My Computer, Printers, Control Panel etc.).
Files and folders can have different color, highlight, ordered by types. Virtual Commander can handle files and folders with long filenames. It can also explore and perform basic file operations with many archivers: LHA, ARC, LZ, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, CAB, RPM, TAR, ZIP, ZIPX, TARZ, LZM, UUE, FZ, WINRAR, WINZIP, WINUZ, 7ZIP, ARJ, RAR, CAB, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, FZH, WINRAR, WINZIP, WINUZ, ARJ, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, FZH, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, WINRAR, WINZIP, WINUZ, ARJ, RAR, CAB, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, FZH, WINRAR, WINZIP, WINUZ, ARJ, RAR, CAB, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, FZH, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, WINRAR, WINZIP, WINUZ, ARJ, RAR, CAB, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, FZH, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, LZMA, BZIP2, EXE, RAR, TAR, UUE, FZ, WINRAR, WINZIP, WINUZ, ARJ, RAR, CAB, LHA, ZIP, CAB, LZH, L
System Requirements For Virtual Commander:
Perform an anti-virus scan of your device.
Enable the Unknown Sources warning setting in your device settings.
Note: You must have a minimum of Android 8.0 Oreo installed on your device.
Note: You can opt out of sharing your location information with us at any time by unchecking the box in the Settings menu. We’re committed to user privacy and only use location information for determining your security status in our games.
Note: This game features third-party In-App
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