. Hi All, I have a Thorens TD124 (early serial number) which I bought. I just got a new set up Zen 100 bar and can not seem to track as.
Thorens TD 124 Mk I or II, serial numbers 293, 334 (not found yet).. I have the confidence to place an order for a TD124 Mk2 or the original model (Mk1) and.. Ten years ago I bought an original Thorens TD124 according to the serial number and.
Thorens TD 124 Serial Number Date The fact that we love to make our music is the reason we do what we do. To donate a turntable to. My TD-124 is the original (direct from Thorens) model and has a serial number of 4343.
An early model Thorens TD-124, serial number 8492,. What I believe I know and don’t is that most likely this is not a. I am not sure this is a serial number of a Thorens TD-124. in the same spot on the base plate as my 17 year old Thorens TD-107 that.
I have a Thorens TD-124 two-speed deck with “precise reproduction” label.. Thorens TD-124 Serial Number DATE. Photo courtesy of Zinn. After that I purchased the parts. Thorens TD-124 on eBay. After all Thorens likes to let us not only purchase their product but wear Thorens is not the only.
Thorens TD 124 Serial Number Date The best information I’ve found so far is that the Serial Number. What do you think are the best turntable brands in 2016?. I’d recommend to provide the Serial Number, Model, and at least year purchased,. the lathe still has the original worn V belt for the ip 7/4 & 6/2 transmission.
Classifieds: FOR SALE – THORENS TD-124 turntable asking for $2500.00.. Date Posted: Nov 29, 19 6:36pm (PST). Edited: Dec 22, 19 6:28pm. About Seller: Follow user. 100% original. Early production model, serial number 1240.
” Thorens TD-124 – Review DTM.. the two vacuum tubes and a copper winding.. I opted for a refurbished Thorens TD-124 Mk II as it did appear to
Thanks for your inquiry! Our dealer is Thorens in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Our agent will contact you shortly.
See this Video.
TT models: A, B, C, D/E, F, G, H, T, WT, Y, Z, VTTT, VTTT1 (or L), ZT. In the TT-series the name-plate is connected to the arm of the plinth.With that arm, the plinth can easily be moved at various heights from 2,4,6 and 8 inches. In the H series a vertical shaft is introduced, which makes the height of the plinth adjustable. The TT-series was first produced in 1955. They are equipped with a diameter of 55 mm and a diameter of 54 mm can be used for the string floor. The TT-series was produced in different series (A, B, C, D/E, F, G, H, T, WT, Y, Z, VTTT, VTTT1). The first design with a controlled pivot. The Z series is equipped with a diameter of 57 mm and the TZ series with a diameter of 58 mm.
In 1961 Thorens released the model H-2. This model is now considered a classic because it was the first to have a vertical shaft. The model numbers started with the second letter of the manufacturer “H”. The name-plate is connected to the arm of the plinth. “N” stands for neutral stance, if the plinth is vertically set. The arm of the plinth can be rotated in various settings. The model numbers continued with the number in the H series.
In 1968 Thorens released a new series to the TT-series. The VTTT or VTTT1 (or L) has the same name-plate as the TT-series but with a new arm with a length of 36 mm. The model H series was replaced by the model WT. The model numbers started with the letter W. The name-plate is connected to the arm of the plinth. The arm of the plinth can be rotated in various settings. The VTTT series was produced in 1969, 1973 and 1975.
In 1966 Thorens started the T-series. The T-series has a diameter of 57 mm and the full weight (the original
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