A New Jersey emergency room nurse who died from the coronavirus spent the last three weeks of her life documenting her battle in a harrowing video — showing how a fever she began treating at home turned into a vicious, full-body attack that left her gasping for air in an overwhelmed hospital.
“Hello all, today I have a fever that I can’t get rid of but I am resting comfortably in my bed, I’m not going to the ER, I’m going to manage my symptoms at home,” Pamela Orlando, 56, says at the start of the video, which was taken at the end of March but was recently shared by social media content company “It’s Gone Viral.”
It was just the beginning of Orlando’s symptoms and she appeared relatively healthy and chipper, confident she’ll be able to fight the virus from home.
But by “day two,” her face appears grey and her demeanor is notably different as she says into the camera “boy do I feel like crap.”
“Back pain. Fever that won’t break and then when it does break, it’s just a very uncomfortable feeling,” Orlando said, still at home.
The following day, the nurse — who worked at The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, New Jersey, according to CBS — films herself from a hospital bed breathing with a nasal cannula.
“Day three of this wonderful virus, I hear day nine is worse, I’m just happy to be okay for now,” Orlando says, hopeful her condition will improve.
By day four, the clips take on a darker tone as it shows Orlando filming herself at 3:30 a.m. from her hospital bed.
“Oh my God, this is no joke, I am so uncomfortable,” she says while lying in bed.
The next clip depicts the overwhelmed state of the hospital as Orlando complains that she is yet to see a nurse.
“9:20 and I still have not seen a nurse or a nurse practitioner, I called them for pain meds and I called to speak to my nurse practitioner and I still have not seen or heard from anyone except the tech,” the ER nurse says, noticeably breathless.
The mom’s condition continues to worsen as the video goes on, eventually getting to the point where she doesn’t know what day it is.
“I don’t even know what day this is but I feel horrible,” Orlando said as she coughed.
“Like so bad like almost like I’m not going to make it,” she goes on.
“Please God, help me.”
The following clip shows Orlando writhing in bed with a breathing tube over her face, speechless.
“I’m not sure what day is it?” Orlando then manages to say in the next clip, while gasping for air.
Pamela OrlandoCBS
“I think it’s Saturday, yes it’s Saturday at 9:15 at night. Today is not a good day,” she goes on, taking a moment to catch her breath.
“I can’t even move without being short of breath. Just pray that I’m ok.”
The last two clips show Orlando coughing into an oxygen mask over her face, begging those watching to pray for her.
“I’m not getting better yet,” she says.
Orlando passed away on April 16, 24 days after she fell ill, according to CBS.
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