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I know that there’s a lot of talk and excitement over their hormone therapy and I’m very pleased to be a part of it, but I’m thinking about a lot of people who are like me who have not yet gotten to the point where they feel that they need to get into hormone replacement therapy or any of these other treatments. How do you feel about that?
AARON GALE: I think it’s just so important that those decisions be made in a careful and appropriate way by people who understand the issues and can make a good choice. There are a lot of questions about the effectiveness and so forth of these products, but I’m very comfortable that, once that decision is made, the doctor can provide the woman or the man with the right information and then that will allow them to make an informed choice.
MELISSA BLOCK: Aaron Gale is a breast cancer surgeon and Vice-President of the American College of Surgeons. He’s also the co-founder of the Women’s Health Foundation. I first met Aaron when he spoke at the 2005 International CES on a panel discussing the benefits of breast self-examination.
MELISSA BLOCK: It’s only the most important thing that you do for yourself because you don’t know what’s going to happen, whether or not you’re going to get it. So that’s why it’s important, is to learn how to look, and where you can, because you can’t see things that are hard to see. So that’s what the whole idea of breast self-examination is.
MELISSA BLOCK: There’s a lot of discussion about these issues right now and a lot of confusion among people who maybe aren’t sure what they should or shouldn’t do or maybe not be doing it.
AARON GALE: I would really encourage women and men to continue to engage in breast self-examination and if they find a lump, to get it checked out by a physician. It’s never too late to get it checked out.
MELISSA BLOCK: Aaron Gale is definitely encouraging people to be proactive. Let’s talk about a final question for you
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