The FDES application was designed to be a file description catalog. It helps you remember what all those files you store on your disks are for.
With FDES you can view and maintain a list of filenames connected to a group name and a short descriptive text.
NOTE: This program may be used and copied freely without charge, but only for non-commercial purposes.
FDES Crack [Win/Mac] [Latest-2022]
This is a program which helps you maintain a list of files and directories you store on disk.
FDES, file description engine, is a program that contains an application for viewing and managing files in your file system.
FDES allows you to maintain a list of files and directories on your disk connected to a group name and a short description.
FDES can also be used as a paging utility.
FDES can display files and directories in two ways. It can list the files in a rectangular view or can display the files in a sidebar view.
The sidebar view is very useful when you want to work with very large directories.
If the files and directories you have listed are located in directories with long names, you can right-click on a file or directory to have it automatically renamed.
Where the command (which may be a file name or an alias) is the command you want to execute.
Commands to be passed to the command. The command itself can be put in double-quotes, as in this example: ” ls -l ”
Command mode allows you to execute a command with the options specified on the command line.
View mode allows you to view files and directories in two ways.
You can use the’rectangular’ view to list the files in a rectangular format, which is very useful when you want to work with large directories.
You can then right-click on a file and have it automatically renamed to the file name and extension without having to worry about where the file is located in the directory tree.
You can also use the’sidebar’ view, which puts each file on a separate line and allows you to view the files and directories in a way similar to that of Windows Explorer.
The sidebar view also allows you to list the files in either a tiled or grid format, and you can move the files in the window using the Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys.
Sample runs:
Sample 1:
Type “fdes” and press ENTER.
“fdes” version 1.0, Info: Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Tom Van Vleck
This version is freeware and released for non-commercial use only.
Download FDES from
FDES With Keygen Free Download [Mac/Win]
FDES Crack For Windows Help: With the help of the FDES application you can view the Description of a file by right clicking.
How to configure help to see a list of keys:
1. Run the Program.
2. Now click on the “Help” Button.
3. Now select the first option called “View”
4. Select “Modify”
5. Select the option called “View All Keys”.
6. Now you have to select “Delete” and delete the option “View All Keys”.
7. Now click on “OK” and your screen should look like this.
8. Select the option “Change Keys”.
9. Now click on the “Change Keys” Button.
10. You can now edit the information by typing the desired text.
11. “Ok” your action and the information should be listed.
The Modify option in the program screen allows you to change the default description that is selected to appear when you double-click a file.
It allows you to remove the current description (the default one) and add a new one.
The “View All Keys” option allows you to open the descriptions for all the files that have been selected.
For example, if you select a group of files with a blue folder (see 1 and 2 in image), and the blue folder has a “View All Keys” option (see 3 in image), you can simply click on the “View All Keys” button and your screen will look like this.
You will then be able to edit all the descriptions for all the selected files.
To remove the “View All Keys” option, simply click on the “Delete” button.
When you open the “View All Keys” dialog, you will see a list of all the files that you have selected.
In the list, you will see the “Default Description” and the “Description”.
In the list, you will see a “Prefix”, “Suffix” and a “Suffix” in quotes.
When you open the list, the first three are shown but you can edit these fields (the input boxes) to change the prefix, the suffix, or the in-quotes suffix, if the file has one.
NOTE: The file types supported by the FDES application are XML and CSV files.
NOTE: The files must be in the same directory where the FDES application is installed.
These are the simple changes we can make:
FDES is a utility to help you view the files on your disks and keep track of the usage and location of all of your files.
FDES allows you to organize your disks into virtual folders using a graphical interface.
You can view a list of all the files on a disk by clicking on a virtual folder or drive.
The description of each file on the disk is shown in a window by right clicking on the file in the main menu.
The available filter criteria are:
– Description
– Size
– Modified
– File type
– Name
– Date created
– Date modified
You can filter by folder or drive and choose to display a list of names or a list of files in your virtual folders.
When you have selected a virtual folder, all of the files and folders contained on the selected disk are displayed in a tree-like structure.
By selecting the Show Un-Allocated Space option, you can view a tree structure of the remaining unallocated space on your disk.
You can also view a list of currently open FDES windows by choosing View -> Main Menu -> Window List.
If you want to close a current window, choose its name from the Window List and press the close button.
The only window that will stay open is the main window with the list of virtual folders.
You can also delete virtual folders from the main menu.
An Option List menu can be used to create new virtual folders or browse the options.
More documentation is available on the right-click menu of the window’s contents.
FDES can display the names of:
– Files, folders and disks
– Filename characteristics (file type, size, date)
– Filename path, properties
– Virtual folders (any name)
– Possible application programs
– Reserved for system use
– Reserved for software use
– Reserved for hardware use
– Reserved for other use
– Reserved for non-system use
– Disk’s (non) assigned drive
– Data
– Dummy folders
– Folders
– Drives
– Virtual folders
– Hardlinks
– Available space on the disk
– Unallocated space on the disk
– Read-only files
– Read-only disks
– System files
– Free space on the disk
– Total space on the disk
– Reserved for system use
– Reserved for software use
– Reserved for hardware use
– Reserved for other use
– Reserved for non
What’s New in the?
FDES allows you to view a list of all the files in a directory tree. A short descriptive text is provided with each entry, showing what the file is for.
Some additional examples are listed below:
Directory listing – i.e. a listing of all the files in a directory
../file1.doc – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has no extension.
../file1.html – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file2.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file2.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has no extension.
../file2.doc – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
File list – i.e. a listing of all the files in a directory tree that have a particular extension.
../file1.doc – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file2.doc – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file2.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file3.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has no extension.
Advanced file listings – i.e. a listing of all the files in a directory tree with no need to enter search criteria
../file1.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file2.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file3.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has no extension.
Browse listing – i.e. a listing of all the files in a directory tree that have a particular extension.
../file1.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file2.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
../file3.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has no extension.
Search listing – i.e. a listing of all the files in a directory tree that have a particular extension and a particular description
../file1.txt – This is the file description in this file listing. This one has an extension.
System Requirements:
· A processor with a clock rate of at least 3.0GHz (tested clock rate 4.0GHz)
· A processor with a clock rate of at least 2.0GHz (tested clock rate 2.8GHz)
· A processor with a clock rate of at least 1.5GHz (tested clock rate 1.6GHz)
· A processor with a clock rate of at least 1.0GHz (tested clock rate 1.2GHz)
· An Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 or AMD Radeon R9 290X
· 16GB
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